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Zadorozhny A. 11A.
The thesis.
Stretching 1,244 km (773 mi) from east to west and 1,289 km
(801 mi) from north to south, Texas, the Lone Star State, occupies
almost 7.5 percent of the total U.S. land area.
Early European explorers in the area were the Spaniards Alonso Alvarez de Pineda, Alvar Nunez CABEZA DE VACA , and Francisco
The sale (1803) of Louisiana to the United States increased
interest in Texas from the east.
Colonization was so successful, however, that by 1836 the population of Texas was 50,000.
War broke out between the American settlers and the Mexican
government in 1835
A provisional government was set up on Mar. 2, 1836.
In February and March 1836 one of the most heroic battles in
history occurred at the Alamo.
On Mar. 2, 1836, David Burnet was named provisional president.
On Dec. 29, 1845, the U.S. Congress accepted the Texas state
constitution, and Texas became the 28th state, with legal slavery.
The MEXICAN WAR between the United States and Mexico followed
within a few months of Texas' entry into the union.
The modern economic development of Texas started in January
1901 with the eruption of an oil well drilled at Spindletop, near
Texas has two sources of water: aquifers and streams with
their reservoirs.
Texas has relatively few natural lakes but hundreds of artificial ones.
Texas is the temporary home every year for many migratory
Minerals represent a very significant part of the state's natural wealth.
The Texas Panhandle is one of the world's great natural-gas
Although surpassed in population only by California, Texas is
still considerably less crowded than the nation as a whole.
Texas has 254 counties.
Texas has several hundred public libraries-the largest being
those in Dallas and Houston.
The first newspaper in Texas, the Gaceta de Texas (Texas Gazette), was published in 1813 at Nacogdoches.
Texas is among the nation's most important producers of minerals.
Texas attracts milli

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