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Stretching 1,244 km (773 mi) from east to west and 1,289 km
(801 mi) from north to south, Texas, the Lone Star State, occupies
almost 7.5 percent of the total U.S. land area.
By 1994 Texas had grown to become the second most populous
U.S. state, moving ahead of New York and following California.
It derives its name from the Spanish and Indian words tejas
and techas, meaning "friends" or "allies."
Early European explorers in the area were the Spaniards Alonso Alvarez de Pineda, Alvar Nunez CABEZA DE VACA , and Francisco
American Interest in Texas
The sale (1803) of Louisiana to the United States increased
interest in Texas from the east.
Augustus Magee, a U.S. army officer in Louisiana, befriended
the Mexican patriot Bernardo Gutierrez, who had been fighting for
his country's independence from Spain.
They led an expedition into Texas and captured Nacogdoches,
Goliad, and San Antonio before Magee died mysteriously in Goliad.
In 1819, Dr. James Long of Natchez, Miss., led another expedition to Texas, hoping to make the region an independent state.
He captured Nacogdoches, but his forces were soon defeated.
A year later, Moses Austin visited San Antonio and sought
permission to settle Americans in Texas.
Upon returning to Missouri, his dying request was that his
son, Stephen AUSTIN, carry out his plans, which the Spanish had
A new law required that agents introduce at least 200 families of colonists, so Austin made an agreement with the Mexican governor to settle 300 American families.
Colonization was so successful, however, that by 1836 the population of Texas was 50,000.
Revolution and Republic
In 1830 the Mexican congress enacted a law to limit immigration to Texas.
Most settlers found unacceptable the requirement that they
become Roman Catholics because most of them were Protestants.
War broke out between the American settlers and the Mexican
government in 1835
The Texans won the first battle at Gonzales on Oct. 2, 1835.

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