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In what time I would like to get if i have a time machine ? /english/ (WinWord) [Сочинение]

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In what time I would like to get,
If I had a machine of time?
Certainly, it would be desirable to get in each century and in each year but it is impossible physically. We know, that the mankind already lives some millions years and maybe more.
But it is necessary to tell, that we know the past from textbooks on a history and from historical films and telecasts. I think I am not unique who have written in the essay that he wants to get somewhere in the future (probably in close but, most likely in far.
Right after the occurrence of the time machine, first I will go to search for the book of prelegends of Nostradamus and I will re-read it completely. Then I will warn the relatives about my termless travel. Also it will be necessary to take the academic holiday in the institute. After performance of these preliminary actions, I will search for the maintenance instruction of this machine of time or, even better, it's founder.
If I am not mistaken, Nostradamus has truly predicted the occurrence of such world leaders, as Hitler, Stalin and many others. Also he has truly predicted the occurrence of several large wars including the second world war. But the most important that he has predicted is the occurrence of the third world war between the West and the East which has resulted in destruction of all alive on the ground. I also would like to prove or deny the validity of prediction about appearing in the future and, of course to return back per 2002.
To find out, whether there was an awful war which has caused еthe death of all alive on our planet, it is necessary only, to get in a long-term future and to look was there something with our planet and with people or all remained as before.
If nevertheless it was, necessary to find out the reasons of its occurrence, by going to the in near future. But how to know, how many years are necessary to fly by forward? Only by experience (i.e. to fly forward for 5, 10, 25, 50 years and more, until you are in one of the ye

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