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3. Museum of Anthropology.6
California is perhaps the most unique state in the USA. It leads the country in manufacturing and farming. Its area is the 3rd in the country and it has the largest population, of which the white people constitute less than 50%. It is the most popular place to spend vacations - hiking in National parks, swiming in the Pacific Ocean and sightseeing in the cities. Such well-known places as Holleywood Disneyland, Death Valley, and the San Diego Zoo are located in California.
First European settlements in California were Spanish, and in 1821, when Mexico became independent, it became its part. In 1848 the United States took control over this state. and on September 9, 1850, it became the 31 state of the USA. Capital - Sacramento. Population - 29,839,250. The state symbols are: bird - California Valley Quail, flower - Golden Poppy,motto - "Eurika" ("I have found it"), song - "I love you, California", tree - California Redwood.
The roots of the University of California go back to the gold rush days of 1849, when the drafters of the State Constitution, a group of vigorous and farsighted people, required the legislature to "encourage by all suitable means the promotion of intellectual, scientific, moral and agricultural improvement" of the people of California. California had few families in 1849 and few children to educate, but these early planners dreamed of a university which eventually, "if properly organized and conducted, would contribute even more than California's gold to the glory and happiness of advancing generations."The university that was born nearly 20 years later was the product of a merger between the College of California (a private institution) and the Agricultural, Mining, and Mechanical Arts College (a land grant institution. The College of California, founded by former Congregational minister Henry Durant from New

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