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The Future of Earth Depends On Us /english/ (WinWord) [Шпора]

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One popular proverb says: "East or West - Home is best". But we can't say so about Earth, because this is the one place we all live in and we can truly say that this is our 'huge home'. We can't change it as we can change our place of living, for example, and, consequently, we have to take care of it. The future of Earth depends on each one of us.
However, lots of people don't understand it, and so today there exists a huge amount of various problems in the world. The most dangerous of them are: the ecological, social, medical, cultural (containing the 'culture of Peace') and so on.
Without fail, the pollution of air, water, seas and nature, destroying rare animals and all things of that kind - disturb the ecology in all the world and makes it worse day by day. Lots of species of animals disappear forever every single day. It sounds strange but we do not appreciate the space around us, around other people, around our Home. I don't want to say too many words about this problem, for they have been already said by millions of people for millions of times.
To my mind, the social problem generally consists of cultural, medical and the War-and-Peace problems, of course.
The poverty of mind (I mean brain) and as a consequence - the poverty of purse and intellectual skills, and quality of work, the absence of well-qualified people in many countries - these problems really have an influence on the world's social situation.
In very deed, the army of ill-bread and bad-educated people helps a lot in degradation of all aspects of normal social life. I mean health (there exist so many diseases!), I mean economical status, I mean education, and, lastly, one of the most important things - the Peace on Earth.
I'd like to quote some very good phrases from one American journal. They completely reflect my point of view on this subject. The article was about the terrorist act in New York last year.
Friday, September 14, 2001
"But more than that, I was shocked at the loss of so many

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