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Тестирование в системе образования США /english/ (WinWord 97) [Диплом]

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Файл относится к разделу:
Ministry of Education and Culture of Kyrgyz Republic .
Osh State University
Department of World Languages
Diploma Paper
American System of Tests in Teaching Foreign Languages.
Supervisor: Marash-Ogly Sh.V- Associate Prof.
Rewiever: Ismailova B.I- Associate Prof.
Student: Temishev K.
Osh - 2001
1. Test system in American methods.
2. Test in teaching foreign language: results of 20-years of experiment.
3. Testing and evaluating Pupil's Achievement.
* The importance of testing and evaluating pupil's achievement.
* Testing language skills and language knowledge.
* Evaluating pupils' achievement.
4. Test control in the process of teaching English language.
The problemacy of tests is very actual especially now when all process of teaching is speeding up and more and more people in our society apply this very wide-spread method of checking knowledge as testing. You know, tests take the first place among all pupils evaluating methods. The following advantages of tests as: short-time check, objectivity, easiness for check, comfortability, validity and concrete purposefulness make it effective and convenient in teaching foreign language. One can easily see that all programs (TOEFL, GMAT, and GRET) which we apply for require as a rule testing or some other ways of students' knowledge control. This is because tests help a teacher (administrator, employer, director, etc) to see student's/pupil's real level of knowledge, skills and habits. Tests are widely used in all exams for getting some certificate or license (driver license, entrance exams, etc. Even in entertainment shows testing take the irreplaceable and leading position ("Угадай Мелодию", "Поле Чудес", "Кто хочет стать миллионером?", "Умники и Умницы" и т.д.
In my diploma paper I pointed out the following questions:
* the American system of tests in modern methodology;
* the analysis of it's advantages and disadvantages;
* the modern requirements f

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