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Файл относится к разделу:
"Customs and Traditions"
There are many customs and traditions in England. And I would like to tell you some
of them. First tradition is called "Wrong side of the bed" When people are bad tempered
we say that they must have got out of bed on the wrong side. Originally, it was
meant quiet literally. People believe that the way they rose in the morning affected their
behaviour throughout the day. The wrong side of the bed was the left side. The left always
having been linked with evil. Second custom is called "Blowing out the candles"
The custom of having candles on birthday cakes goes back to the ancient Greeks.
Worshippers of Artemis, goddess of the moon and hunting, used to place honey cakes
on the altars of her temples on her birthday. The cakes were round like the full moon
and lit with tapers. This custom was next recorded in the middle ages when German
peasants lit tapers on birthday cakes, the number lit indicating the person's age, plus
an extra one to represent the light of life. From earliest days burning tapers had
been endowed with mystical significance and it was believed that when blown out they
had the power to grant a secret wish and ensure a happy year ahead. And the last tradition
I would like to tell you is called "The 5th of November" On the 5th of November in almost
every town and village in England you will see fire burning, fireworks, cracking and
lighting up the sky. You will see too small groups of children pulling round in a home
made cart, a figure that looks something like a man but consists of an old suit of clothes,
stuffed with straw. The children will sing:" Remember, remember the 5th of November;
Gun powder, treason and plot". And they will ask passers-by for "a penny for the Guy"
But the children with "the Guy" are not likely to know who or what day they are celebrating.
They have done this more or less every 5th of November since 1605. At that time James the
First was on the throne. He was hated with many people especia

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