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The Rise of Perliament in XIII AD /english/ (WinWord) [Контрольная]

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The Faculty of Philology
Student of the group # 101
Kuzmin Andrey
"The Rise of Parliament in XIII AD"
Moscow, 1999 y.
1. Introduction 3
2. Magnum Cartum Liberatum 3
3. Simon de Monfort and his "Parliamentum" 4
4. King Edward's Parliament. 5
5. Parliament nowadays. 7
a. The Functions of Parliament.
b. The Meeting of Parliament.
c. The House of Lords.
d. The House of Commons.
e. Public Access to Parliamentary Proceedings.
Parliament plays the leading role in the political life of Great Britain. It passes laws, provides the means of carrying on the work of the government, scrutinizes government policy and administration, including proposals for expenditure; debates the major issues of the day. In my wok I try to look at the history of this undoubtedly important body of authority. The events that took place in England in the XIII century turned out to be the main influence on the formation and the rise of Parliament that exists to the very moment.
Richard I's absence in the Holy Land and the expense of crusade weakened the power of the Crown in England. When his brother John became king, he lacked the money to defend the English lands in France successfully. The meanness and cruelty of his character added to his unpopularity stimulated a heavy disapproval from the point of the Church; the power then belonged to Pope Innocent III. As a result in 1215 on June 15 the army of the Holy Pope supported by barons and leading citizens of London came up to the capital. The Church and the barons had their own, certain intentions. Innocent III wanted the Church to be absolutely independent from the English government and the barons didn't want to pay any taxes and wanted to have various privileges.
On the 15 of June in 1215 the united army of Innocent III and leading barons forced John Lackland

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