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Internetional Raw Materials Market /english/ (WinWord 97)

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Файл относится к разделу:
St-Petersburg State Technical University
The Department of Economic & Management
The Chair of World Economics
Work on subject
"International Raw Materials Market"
The Student A.E Epechourin
Group 1078/2
The Tutor O.G. Lebedinskaj
I. Trade intermediates and natural resources
I.I Middle products (intermediates)
I.II Natural resources
II. Raw Materials
Addendum 1
1. Raw Materials - A natural of semifinished god that is used in manufacturing or processing to make some other good. Bauxite is the raw materials (ore) from which aluminum is made; aluminum is turn can be the raw material from which household utensils are manufactured.[1]
2. There is another definitions from the subject area of raw materials distinct from the above mentioned:
* Raw materials are products immediately extracted from nature which have undergone a first processing through which they have become marketable and, consequently, a tradable commodity. Raw materials include all energy raw materials (crude oil, natural gas, coal, uranium), metals, semi-metals and industrial minerals (kaolin, graphite, sulfur, salts, phosphates), rocks, water as well as all plant and animal products, whether they come from tropical regions (coffee, jute, tropical timber) or from temperate latitudes (wheat, meat, wool, etc.[2]
* Raw material economy: It comprises all activities which are part of the planned handling of raw materials, i.e. explanation, evaluation, extraction, conversion into a tradable product, trade and forecasting. "Planned" here means economically useful, ecologically and socially responsible activities.[2]
* Resources are all natural material systems which as such are no commodities, but the intactness of which is a basic prerequisite for the continued existence of the earth's chemical and physical equilibrium and, consequently, for the survival of mankind. Resources include: the ozone balance,

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