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Organizing forms of business activity.
Presently in our country exist and are developped three main types of business companies: individual holdings (enterprises, based on personal property of owner), partnership and corporations. For instance, in United Staffs in 1982 s from 16 million companies suppressing majority were shown by individual possessions and their average profits formed only 42400 dollars, partnership was in 4 times above, but cost sold by goods corporations and services at the average exceeded 2 million dollars.
Individual holdings and partnership.
Expect, I has decided to open a shop on the assembly and selling the computers. I will come to lease a premises under the shop, buy completing to was than fill regiments, and, possible hire anyone, who stood for the pay-desk, while I on occupations. I shall completely order a remainder of profit after my business it is expenses payment.
- An Individual possession - an enterprise, basing in property of one person, having full right on tinned as a result economic activity profit and completely responsible for any losses, which tolerates an enterprise.
Possible, my shop will turn out to be unprofitable, either as a many enterprise, basing in individual property. In this case I will come to pay for losses from the own pocket. Then I shall have to declare itself a bankrupt and allow to separate the whole my cash assets and miscellaneous personal property between that, who I must money.
But individual holdings not always come to nothing. Most often they ensure heavy existance to its owners, who work many watch, quite often earning herewith less one,gets an average salary. But under a hour individual holdings ensure wholly decent profits to its owners.
If my shop on selling the computers prospers, possible, I want to enlarge. For this me, probably, I will come to scramble over in the premises little more, create a greater spare of goods, intended for selling, possible, buy a lorry for the deivery of goods,

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