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"Cultural imperialism" and "cultural diplomacy" /english/ (RTF)

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Perhaps, "cultural imperialism" and "cultural diplomacy" are sufficiently young, but it concerns only word combinations. Mankind always tries to chose definitions to different phenomena, in particular in sphere of politics, in such way the words "ideology", "myth", "propaganda" have appeared.
Cultural imperialism and cultural diplomacy can be considered just as more or less aggressive method of propaganda activity.
The process of clearance of relationship between journalism and propaganda is as two instruments of cultural diplomacy and cultural imperialism.
What is the aim of cultural diplomacy and cultural imperialism: forming of political regimes, decision of some economical problems or something else? A large use of considering definitions makes doubts that the aim of spreading ideas can be contain in one word. Most probably it is a complex of aims. But what politics is more successful? "Whip" politics or "cake" politics?
New epoch, epoch of globalization, epoch of powerful mass media has opened new opportunities for propaganda. A man is grasped from TV every day; the material chosen by journalists has turned out in a stream of huge amount of information. "It is [TV] the crucial source of information about the outside world"(Negrine op. Cit., ibid., p. 100. Naturally that if even journalists have no enough time for interpretation of the information, what hopes may be for average spectator to interpret this information correctly. "TV is a "heavily selected interpretation of events" (R. Hoggart "Bad news". London, 1976, p.x. In the stream of the information a spectator managed by own prejudices and moral brought from without is building from the information knots a picture of his own world. People received the opportunity to know so many things without learning anything. At the sense level a person understands that he is manipulated (probably because of that spectator's appreciation of journalists are so low. From the other side the information con

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