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Файл относится к разделу:
1. The United Kindom of Great Britan and Nothen Island is situated on the British Iles not far from Europe. It consists of the island of Great Britan, the north-easten part of Irland and a great number of small islands. Such as: the Orkney, the Hebrides, the Isle of White and many others.
2. If you look at the map of europe you will see that Great Britan is not large. It takes 6 hours to trevel in a fast train, from London, the capital of England, to Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. And the June from London to Plemouth takes a little over 4 hours by train.
3. There are 4 part of Great Britain England, the capital is London, Scotland the capital is Edinburg, Walles the capital is Cardif and Northen Island the capital is Belfast. Griat Britan lies not far from continent. It is siparated from europe by the North Sea and England Channel. The channel in it's narrowest part The Strate of Dover is only 32 kilometres.
4. Great Britan has a very good geographical position, as it lies on the crossways of the sea routes from Europe to other parts of the World.
The sea connects Britain with most European countrys such as:Belgium,
Holland, Denmark, Norway, Russia and some other countrys. The main sea route from Europe to America also passed throught the channel.
5. British climet is miled and damp. It often rains frogs are quit requent espeacially in the West and south-west. The Gulf Stream a warm ocean current warms to seas around the British coast moderating the climet, giving it cold Summers milds winters. The tempirature in winter seldom folls below zero and the field and meadow are green all year round.

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