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English Nouns, Grammar (WinWord)

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Table of Contents
* Definition
* Categories of Nouns
* Forms of Nouns (Assaying for Nouns)
* PLURAL COMPOUND NOUNS (problem children, special cases)
* Count Nouns versus Non-Count Nouns
* Forming Possessives
* Possessives & Gerunds
* Possessives versus Adjectival Labels
* Possessives of Plurals & Irregular Plurals
* Compound Possessives
* Possessives & Compound Constructions
* Double Possessives
(number of pages 13)
In my study work about the issues on English grammar, I have selected a topic "English Nouns". Hereinafter, have tried to research some difficulties related with usage of Nouns of English, their singular and plural forms, Possessives, Gerunds, Possessives of Plurals and Irregular Plurals. Also, I noticed that often there are mistakes done with the usage of company and team names, known such as "Collective Nouns". I hope that my small research will highlight some of these difficulties and pour a ray of the light on these problematical issues within the frames of my knowledge. As source of scientific back up following research materials and textbooks were used:
1. Keys for Writers: A Brief Handbook by Ann Raimes. Houghton Mifflin: New York. 1996.
2. A University Grammar of English by Randolph Quirk and Sidney Greenbaum. Longman Group: Essex, England. 1993.
3. English Grammar by Janshina M. D. and Vasilevskaya N. Moscow. 1958.
4. Lexico - Grammatical Difficulties of English by Deeva I.N. Leningrad. 1976.
A noun is the name of a person, place, thing, or idea. Whatever exists, we assume, can be named, and that name is a noun. A proper noun, which names a specific person, place, or thing (Carlos, Queen Marguerite, Middle East, Jerusalem, Malaysia, Presbyterianism, God, Spanish, Buddhism, the Republican Party), is almost always capitalized. Common nouns name everything else, things that usually are no

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