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Lifestyle and Being "Green" /english/ (WinWord) [Сочинение]

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Alexander V. Myskin, gr. 1o1
Lifestyle and Being Green
Nowadays many environmental issues are in the news. All of them have a devastating effect on the Earth and people on the planet. If they are not being tackled it can turn out that people boost the dying of their planet.
The first urgent issue is the pollution of air, water and soil. Air pollution has a strong link with the traffic problem I'm going to speak about a bit later. Besides that polluting of the world's air is caused by poisonous wastes of industrial enterprises. This burning problem makes people do something about it, otherwise it won't be possible to breathe in industrialized towns and cities. This problem is being solved by filtering fume emissions and by moving industrial enterprises out of cities and towns.
Water or marine pollution is also partly caused by flowing of the poisonous water to different rivers, ponds, lakes and seas. But we also have to face the problem of oil in the world's waters. Oil tankers are not safe enough to guarantee the full isolation of the oil inside. Oil in the sea kills both flora and fauna and makes the water totally dead. This acute problem needs to be solved in a short period of time.
Soil pollution is caused by car fumes and misusing of it. Environmentalists say that it will take ten or more times more time to make it useful again than to pollute it and make it unsuitable neither for cultivating crops nor for growing trees.
Rare animals and plants extinction is also in the news these days. This issue is connected with cutting down forests, illegal hunting for fur animals and pollution. The idea is that every species is connected with all others and if one or more of them die out the link will be broken. This can lead to unpredictable consequences.
Perhaps one of the most burning ecological crisises is the greenhouse effect that leads to another one - global warming. The greenhouse effect is the property of the atmosphere to pass the solar energy to the surface of

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