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Файл относится к разделу:
The project
1. Становление and development of customs business in a Republic of Uzbekistan
1.1. Brief review of a history становления and development of customs business in a Republic of Uzbekistan (in period up to 1991г)
1.2. Feature of development of customs business in conditions становления of state independence
2. Legal basis of a state service in customs houses of a Republic of Uzbekistan
2.1. Concept and legal characteristic of a state service in customs houses
2.2. Main principles of a state service in customs houses
2.3. Legal status of the officials of customs houses in a Republic of Uzbekistan
2.4. Certification of the officials of customs houses
3. International experience of legal regulation of a customs service and opportunities of his(its) application in national practice of a Republic of Uzbekistan
3.1. Republic of Uzbekistan both международно-legal cooperation and regulation in the field of customs business within the framework of a CIS
3.2. Sharing(participation) of a Republic of Uzbekistan in international торгово-customs organizations and agreements acting in countries of distant foreign countries: experience and prospects
The conclusion
The references to sources
The list of the used literature
Deep, radical on the essence the political and socio economic transformations realized in Uzbekistan, have caused serious change of a role both significance of many spheres of activity and spheres of management, components the base of life of company. Among such areas, which significance especially for the last years constantly grows, it is necessary to name customs business and customs tariff policy being, component of internal and external policy(politics) of a Republic of Uzbekistan. This rule(situation) has basic character and requires(demands) therefore additional explanatories. The interrelation of customs business both customs tariff policies with internal and external policy(politics) of the state is as a who

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