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The conflicts of the modern world. A competitive society (WinWord)

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David Guchua
Form 11 'A'
January 17, 1999
He, who commands the past, controls the future,
He, who controls the future, conquers the past.
-KANEIn this composition I would like to discuss the conflicts of the modern world and the consequences of the competitive society. Being asked about this I usually start with a competitive society. Because this is the thing we face in every day life and always ask one question ourselves: 'Why have we created the world full of troubles and problems whereas we ourselves live in it?' This sounds really paradoxical but it is true. For instance, the taxes in our country bring so many troubles to people who want to start their own business that they simply have to find ways not to pay them. Thousands of examples all over the world can be given here but the idea is that, understanding all this, we do not try even to improve anything.
On the other hand competitive life exists even at school where pupils are to participate in a so-called 'racing game' which is based on gaining better marks and results in everything. This idea is not new that is why different people at different times tried to solve this problem. The most famous is the of about social equality. The idea of social equality is really silly, to my mind, because there will always be one who will think that he is better than the others and just only due to this we will not ever get equality.
On the contrary, if there is no competitive society there is no development. It is of no use of aspiring to the best. Nothing but a competitive society made a man make a flight to space. Besides, there were a lot of other discoveries, which improved the life and social conditions, which happened only due to competitive society.
I believe, that there exists only one solution. It is nesessary to develop the competitive society limited with a strict law. Because we do not realize that this competitive society reflects Darwin's

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