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Should be press liable or not (Lexicon)

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Файл относится к разделу:

- 1 -
Recent years have increased legal accountability of producers and
advertisers for providing SAFE products and RELIABLE information to
customers. A government influences a wide range of market
operations from licensing requirements to contract actions. That
control announces and enforces determined norms of quality.
Each of these regulations is designed to protect consumers from
being hurt or CHEATED by defects in the goods and services they buy.
This matter, when producers look to the law rather than to the
market to establish and maintain new standards of quality (of their
goods), shows, that modern market has an ability of selfregulation.
But it also shows another unbelievable feature: consumers are both
incapable of rationally assessing risks and unaware of their own
Companies and corporations all over the world are systematically
inclined to SHIRK on quality and that without the threat of legal
liability may subject their customers or other people to serious risk
of harm from their products if it could save money by doing so.
According to this point of view, for most goods and services,
consumers are POWERLESS to get producers to satisfy their demand for
safe, high-quality products! The unregulated market lets unfair
producers to pass on others the costs of their mistakes.
Legal liability is ready to correct these "market failures" by
creating a special mechanism (feedback), regulating relations
between producers and customers. Unfair producers should be punished
and their exposure is increasing.
One market,however, has completely ESCAPED the imposition of legal
liability. The market for political information remains genuinely
- 2 -
free of legally imposed quality obligations. The electronic mass
media are subject to more extensive government regulation than paid
media, but in their role as suppliers of political information,
nothing is required to meet any externally established

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