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Trees /english/

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ВНИМАНИЕ !!! Это сокращенная версия файла. Предназначена она только для того, чтобы вы могли предварительно ознакомиться с документом, перед тем как его скачать. Здесь нет картинок, не сохранен формат, шрифт, размеры и положение на странице.
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 Info File Mail 
Файл относится к разделу:
Московский Государственный Университет
им. Циолковского
Студент : Заливнов Олег
Группа : 5МС-II-23
Лекция : 8
Тема : Деревья
1) The tree presenation of data constructions.
2) What is tree?
a) definition
b) the terminology
c) types of trees
3) Tree applications in encoding systems.
Elementar data can have different types (string,integer
and so on. But if to talk about complex data construction -
it have no type. Complex data constructions consist of simple
data, and CDC are stored as data searching algorithm. and that
is why CDC are the "selectors" - mechanism of searching and
accesing of data.
Such kinds of data as complex data constructions are need
to organize search.
We can describe CDC in different ways. For example we can
describe it in the way as it described in the programming
language Cobol :
1 University
2 (first fac)
2 (second fac)
2 (third fac)
2 (fourth fac)
2 fifth fac.
3 PM
4 (Pasha)
4 (Andrey)
3 IT
4 (Zhenia)
4 (Olga)
3 MS
4 (Oleg)
4 (Helen)
4 (Artem.
Where the word in brackets (e.g(Oleg) means the
elementary data construction.
The most powerful way of description a CDC is a tree.
Tree is a connected undirected graph with no simple
circuits. So a tree cannot contain multile edges or loops, and
so tree is a simple graph.
Example 1 :
D - A - C
¦ ¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦
¦ B - F ¦
¦ ¦
E H - G - I - J
this is a tree ;
Example 2 :
E - A - B
¦ ¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦
F D- C
it is not the tree, because path A-B-C-D is a loop;
Example 3 :
A - B
D - E - F
it is not the tree too because this graph is not
Also we can select a special vertex and call it a root and
assign the direction to each edge. And we call such tree a
ROOTED tree.
Example 4 :
A - B A -

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