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Topic N3 "Business Trips"
Never before in the history of the world have businessmen traveled
so much as they do today. It is not surprising because we are
living in a world of growing international trade and expanding
economic and technical cooperation. Fascinating though it is for
tourist travelling, however, has become the most tiring of all
the occupations for many businessmen and experts. Choosing a
comfortable hotel to stay at is, therefore, a matter of some
importance. There are plently of good hotels, motels, and guest
houses, in the world, conviently located for major business
centers. Many developing countries, such as India, Egypt,
Nigeria, Lybia, etc have excellent hotels. Their numerous
facilities include both: large and small cocktail barber's shops
and conference halls, equipped with simultaneous, multilingual
translation systems. There are parking areas which can accomodate
a lot of cars. It might be useful for travelling businessmen and
tourists to know that tailor shops, shoe repair shops and
laundry, dry cleaning services are available for guests. People
in the office help guests to book train or steamer tickets and
rent a car. They are also ready to give all necessary information.
Nowadays people who go on business mostly travel by air as it is
the fastest means of travelling. Passengers are requested to
arrive at the airport 2 hours before departure time on
international flights and an hour on domestic flights as there
must be enough time to complete the necessary airport
formalities. Passengers must register their tickets, weigh in and
register the luggage. Most airlines have at least 2 classes of
travel: first class and economy class which is cheaper. Each
passenger of more than 2 years of age has a free luggage
allowance. Generally this limit is 20kg for economic class
passenger and 30kg for first class passenger. Excess luggage must
be paid for except for some articles that can be carried free of
charge. Each passenger is given a boarding pa

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