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Edward the Confessor died in January , 1066.On Christmas Day in the same
year William the Conqueror was crowned king in Westminster Abbey. It had been
a terrible year for Englishmen. From the very beginning of it they had feared
that evil things were going to happen, and when a comet began to flame in the
sky , early in the summer , their fears were increased. To all Englishmen it
seemed to foretell defeat. And defeat came upon them when Duke William landed
at Pevensey , in Sussex ,and advanced to Hastings. King Harold rushed to meet
him , but he and many of his faithful thanes were slain. The bravest of them
gathered to make a last desperate fight round the English standarts ,and when
they fell the days of English liberty were over for a long period.On the very
spot where Harold and his men made their last stand the Norman conqueror built
Battle Abbey to commemorate his victory. If you go there today, you will be
shown the place where Harold fell.
It was a hard time for Englishmen. As William marched slowly by a roundabout way to London, his men plundered the village so terribly that it took
them many years to recover. His soldiers searched everywhere for food and all
the things that an army needs. Villagers, flying in terror to the woods, saw
their cattle driven off,their stored corn and hay carted away,and their houses
burnt. This was the way in which William hoped to terrify Englishmen into submission. He was successful. On Christmas Day,1066,he was crowned king of the
English by the Archbishop of York in Westminster Abbey.
Straightway he began to drive English nobles from their lands,for he said
they had treacherously fought against their true king. And in their places he
put Normans, who despised the English, and treated them cruelly. So in the
year 1067,if you had been travelling about then, you would have seen parties
of Normans riding through the country-side to take possession of the lands
that William

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