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Логика Аристотеля \на английском и русском языках\

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Aristotle's Logic
ARISTOTLE'S influence, which was very great in many different fields, was greatest of all in logic. In late antiquity,
when Plato was still supreme in metaphysics, Aristotle was
the recognized authority in logic, and he retained this position
throughout the Middle ages. It was not till the thirteenth century
that ' Christian philosophers accorded him supremacy in the field of
metaphysics. This supremacy was largely lost after the Renaissance,
but his supremacy in logic survived Even at the present day, all
Catholic teachers of philosophy and many others still obstinately
reject the discoveries of modern logic, and adhere with a strange
tenacity to a system which is as definitely antiquated as Ptolemaic
astronomy. This makes it difficult to do historical justice to Aristotle.
His present-day influence is so inimical to clear thinking that it is
hard to remember how great an advance he made upon all his predecessors (including Plato), or how admirable his logical work would
still seem if it had been a stage in a continual progress, instead of
being (as in fact it was) a dead end, followed by over two thousand
years of stagnation. In dealing with the predecessors of Aristotle, it
is not necessary to remind the reader that they are not verbally inspired; one can therefore praise them for their ability without being
supposed to subscribe to all their doctrines. Aristotle, on the contrary, is still, especially in logic, a battle-ground, and cannot be
treated in a purely historical spirit.
Aristotle's most important work in logic is the doctrine of the
syllogism. A syllogism is an argument consisting of three parts, a
major premiss, a minor premiss, and a conclusion. Syllogisms are of
a number of different kinds, each of which has a name, given by the
scholastics. the most familiar is the kind called "Barbara":
All men are mortal (Major premiss.
Socrates is a man (Minor premiss.
Therefore: Socrates is

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